Language > German

Nothing Interactive

We design products which matter. We are eager to design digital products which make life simpler. We want to work on things that matter—to our clients, and to us. We support our clients in User-Centered Design to optimise the User Experience of their website or web application. We consider the needs of their target audience, […]

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creaffective GmbH

creaffective is a 10 person consulting company with the primary driver to foster innovation and agility in organizations. We have been using Holacracy starting from 2016 and have now adapted and enriched our practice with Sociocracy 3.0 patterns.

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We support organizations in creating new ways of leadership and collaboration in order to become more attractive to people and more successful in the marketplace. We experiment with new collaboration approaches ourselves: subject:RESOUL is a network organization and we use sociocratic governance structures to lead the company together. This shared approach is reflected in our […]

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collaboratio helvetica

collaboratio helvetica is a physical and digital platform for collaboration and innovation around the SDGs in Switzerland, which generates sustainable solutions and continued citizen engagement in societal transformation processes. We create spaces for dialogue, experimentation and collaboration to co-create the Switzerland we want to live in.

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Décentrale Synergiehub

Open Space for Self-Empowered Culture

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