Sociocratic Variant > Sociocracy 3.0


ECOLISE, the European network for community-led initiatives on climate change and sustainability, is a coalition of national and international networks of community-led initiatives on sustainability and climate change, as well as organisations that support a community-led transition to a resilient Europe. ECOLISE aims to celebrate, stimulate and increase the positive impact of community-led action on […]

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Don’t you also think that the world of work is changing? We at iLean believe that organisations, teams and individuals will benefit from more autonomy, more agility and more passion. iLean supports this by helping teams and organisations successfully self-organise around a clear purpose. This leads to happier people expressing their full potential in their […]

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Plataforma Áurea

Empresa consultora, escuela y laboratorio de innovación enfocado en facilitar procesos de evolución cultural en organizaciones.

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creaffective GmbH

creaffective is a 10 person consulting company with the primary driver to foster innovation and agility in organizations. We have been using Holacracy starting from 2016 and have now adapted and enriched our practice with Sociocracy 3.0 patterns.

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Croatian Permaculture Association

Founded in 1995 by local permaculture pioneers, Croatian Permaculture Association is dedicated to personal and professional development of permaculture practitioners and their networking within Croatia, European Union and South East Europe.

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